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Proofing your auction draft

Here are some best practices for proofing your auction draft.

  • Review The Auction Descriptions Thoroughly: Double-check all factual information about each lot. This includes the title, dimensions, artist/creator/brand or product name, provenance, and any certificates or details. Ensure that all details match the item and are correctly listed.
  • Check for Consistency: Ensure your descriptions follow a consistent style and tone. Consistent formatting, order of information, consistent use of measurements (cm vs. inches), and phrasing will give your auction a professional, polished look.
  • Verify Auction Terms and Conditions: Make sure that you have added the T&Cs before sharing your auction. Review them and specifically double check any terms related to shipping, returns, and payment are accurate and clearly stated. Buyers should know exactly what to expect in terms of logistics and costs. This will also save you time not needing to answer too many questions during the auction.
  • Ensure Accuracy in Pricing: Proof your starting prices, estimates (optional), and any potential fees. Ensure to use round numbers, avoid starting prices like 601, 10,005, 56,751. Use round numbers finishing in 100, 200 or 500 (see our article on auction increments for more details). Incorrect or inconsistent pricing can lead to confusion or missed opportunities for sales, so it’s critical to get this right.
  • Check for Typos and Grammar: Spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, and poor punctuation can damage credibility. Run a spell check or use grammar tools to catch errors. A useful tip is to read your descriptions out loud to ensure they flow smoothly.
  • Review Image Quality and Alignment: Double-check that you have selected the correct leading image for each lot. Confirm that all images are uploaded correctly, are of good quality, and accurately reflect the condition of the item. Ensure that each image corresponds with the correct lot and is well-placed. (See our Image guide for more details.)
  • Test the Auction Flow: Before sharing the published link, navigate through your auction as a bidder would. This will help you identify any broken links, unclear instructions, or sections that could benefit from more detail.
  • Get a Second Opinion: A fresh set of eyes can often catch mistakes you may have overlooked. If possible, have a colleague or friend review the draft to provide feedback.
  • Preview the auction on multiple devices - before sharing the final link with potential bidders, aim to open it on various devices to see if you need to make any specific amendments.  

By following these best practices, you’ll ensure that your auction draft is professional, accurate, and ready for a successful sale.